ExamsWe deliver over a million exams every year!
When you select ExamBuilder, you are choosing a mature product with a 20+ year history. Our goal has been to add enough features to create a powerful online testing application without bloating the interface and burdening our users with frustrating learning curves. In summary, our exam software is easy to use.
There are 4 types of exams you can create:
- Certification. This format is geared toward high-stakes exams;
- Prep (modern). Used for practice exams with the ability to skip and review questions. Supports instant feedback;
- Prep (legacy). A low-stakes format that forces a student to answer correctly before continuing. Supports instant feedback;
- BARS / Observational Assessment. This format allows a supervisor to watch an employee perform his/her job and evaluate whether they meet or fail the task.
Exams can be customized in many ways, among them:
- Time limits, access codes, and gap analysis reports;
- Addition of inline images, videos and PDFs;
- Randomization of questions and answers.
- Exam questions can be delivered to the student in random order;
- Question distractors such as multiple-choice answers can be scrambled to deter cheating;
- You can group questions by pool and deliver a percentage of questions from each pool to further randomize the exam.
And these exam features can be fully automated:
- Exam retakes. You can automatically reschedule students who fail an exam for a retake;
- The bulk scheduling feature lets you automatically schedule exams by demographic/group (or everyone);
- Email Invitations to alert students an exam is in their list.
The supported question types are:
- Multiple choice;
- True / False;
- Fill in the blank;
- Matching;
- Multiple select;
- Hotspot;
- Meet/fail (observational exam only).
ExamBuilder also has gap analysis reports. These reports grade the student on each question pool and provide remediation activities if the performance is below a threshold that you set.
Create a FREE evaluation account today and be up and running in 5 minutes with no obligation!